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  • Female athletes are not simply smaller, less muscular males. 

  • The sex based anatomical and physiological differences are already apparent before the onset of puberty. 

  • These sex-based differences give males inherent athletic advantages over females in almost every sport and at all levels.

  • All current evidence indicates that having a transgender identity with or without puberty blocks, testosterone suppression, and/or cross sex hormone use does not erase male athletic advantages.

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Dr. Emma Hilton, PhD and Ross Tucker, PhD.



There is NO scientific evidence to support males competing in the women’s category, regardless of suppression and intervention.

The Science of Sport, Fair Competition & Testosterone - ICONS & ICFS International Women's Sport Summit 

Dr. Carole Hooven, PhD, Dr. Ross Tucker, PhD, and Dr. Emma Hilton, PhD share a combined message on the science of sport, fair competition & testosterone and explicate how safe and sensible policy has resulted from apolitical data analysis and systemic processes and sometimes has been ignored. The implications for other sports and countries are clear.

Professor Greg Brown's Data From Global Pre-Puberty Athletic Performance Studies

The research undertaken and presented by Gregory A Brown, PH.D. FACSM Professor of Exercise Science at the Dept of Kinesiology and Sports Sciences at the University of Nebraska Kearney, clearly demonstrates that sex based differences in athletic performance are present before puberty.  His research from across the world shows that boys as young as 3 years old consistently outperform girls of the same age on tests of muscular strength, muscular endurance, running speed, aerobic endurance, throwing, and kicking. Girls only performed better on tests of flexibility.

There are now over 40 separate peer reviewed papers in sports science, physiology, or medical related journals showing that males who identify as woman retain male athletic advantages even with "gender affirming hormone therapy"

9 of these are review papers, 31 are primary research papers.

22 of the primary research papers involve testosterone suppression with and without estrogen administration in adult males who identify as women.


9 of the primary research papers involve the use of puberty blockers in children.


For more information, please read this excellent thread by Professor of Exercise Science Greg Brown who summarises them as follows:​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

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Image Credit: Professor Greg Brown, X account @BrowngaGreg​​

Prof John Pike examines what happens when policies become distorted, and harms to women and girls are overlooked.

Prof Alison Heather Physiology, University of Otago explains the multiple effects of testosterone in male foetal development.

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